Sunday at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. | Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Parkway Hills Preschool Ministry is a loving, inviting ministry for children six weeks of age through kindergarten that is designed to meet the spiritual needs of each child while providing a safe and fun environment.
On Wednesday evenings, we have a activities for children birth - Prekindergarten centered around God's word. There will be rotations for music, playground time, and a Bible lesson extending the learning from Sunday mornings. We will also enjoy special Bible activities, crafts, and learning about instruments!
Our Preschool Ministry provides your child with physical and emotional care as well as the opportunity to experience Christ through developmentally appropriate lessons and activities. The Preschool is a cooperative effort between the church and the home to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can know and grow in their relationship with Christ.
On Sundays your Birth - Kindergarten children are welcome to stay for two unique services of Bible study programming that is interactive, Christ centered and fun!

From Sunday to Everyday
Relatable, age-appropriate Bible studies for kids of all ages.
To be more like Jesus every day: that’s the goal. And while discipleship takes a lifetime, the day-to-day work is no mystery. Bible Studies for Life is designed to intentionally move babies through kids in the direction of Jesus Christ. With a research-backed, biblical model of discipleship, every session is designed to provide a balanced, relatable, and age-appropriate group Bible study experience.
A bag with the following items:
• Two or three diapers
• A complete change of clothes
• Bottle or sippy cup of milk, formula, or water (this is a good practice even for mothers who nurse)
Please label all personal items (including pacifiers and sippy cups) with your child's first and last name before arriving at your child's class. This helps us keep track of your child's items.
A snack is provided in our classrooms on Sunday mornings. If your child has any food allergies, please notate that on your child’s information card. Unless otherwise noted, one of the following snacks are provided:
• Gerber Fruit Puffs (babies only)
• Gerber Veggie Puffs (babies only)
• Goldfish
• Club Crackers
• Cheese-its
• Teddy Grahams
• Vanilla Wafers
• Honey Graham Crackers
• Animal Crackers
• Honey Nut Cheerios
We offer one Nursing Mothers Room in our preschool area for our moms to use. It is equipped with 2 rocking chairs, a sink, and a changing table as well as a Live Stream of the services. To respect everyone's privacy, these rooms are for women only.
Parkway Hills Baptist Church observes parent/child dedication three times a year. This is a special time when parents thank God for a precious new life and pledge themselves to follow the Lord's leadership in the spiritual development and discipleship of their child. Parent/Child Dedication is the celebration of Milestone 1 in child’s faith journey. For more information regarding times and classes please contact our preschool ministry offices at (972) 403-1010.
Jared Simpson
Kids Ministry Pastor